Wednesday 25th October, 7-9pm : Internationalism or Extinction
The Progressive International was launched in May 2020 with a mission to unite, organise, and mobilise progressive forces across the world.
Founded by figures like Naomi Klein, Arundhati Roy, Yanis Varoufakis, and Noam Chomsky, the Progressive International was born from a simple premise: It is internationalism or extinction.
On 25 October, the Progressive International lands in London for an intimate evening of discussion with three special guests from its governing Council: Zarah Sultana, Member of Parliament for Coventry South; Asad Rehman, Director of War on Want; and Eyal Weizman, Founder and Director of Forensic Architecture.
Hosted by General Coordinator David Adler, the event will showcase the award-winning graphic design, video art, and diverse initiatives that comprise the Progressive International — and invite you to join the fight.
Peter Kennard for Progressive International, available via their workshop.
We know that the crises of our time are planetary in scale. From climate change to viral pandemics, the existential threats we face can only be addressed by coordinating our efforts across borders.
But progressive forces all too often fail this test of international coordination. By contrast, reactionary forces of the far-right have built powerful networks to undermine democracy, exploit natural resources, and enrich themselves along the way.
Since launch, the Progressive International has grown to include social movements, trade unions, and political parties that represent millions of people across the world.
Together, this global coalition has led actions, campaigns, and initiatives that promise to make solidarity more than a slogan.
The Make Amazon Pay campaign, for example, unites workers across the Amazon supply chain — from garment factories in Bangladesh to ‘fulfilment centres’ in England — in a global strike on Black Friday to demand higher wages and better working conditions.
The Observatory of the Progressive International, meanwhile, dispatches high-level delegations to conduct electoral observation in countries such as Guatemala, Turkey, and Colombia where democratic institutions are under threat.
And the Art of Internationalism brings together writers, curators, and visual artists from around the world to reimagine the role of art and culture in the turbulent 21st century.
On 25 October, join the Progressive International for a special event at Shoreditch Arts Club: an introduction to its globe-spanning work, and an invitation to get involved.
Members have access to all events in our programme.